Latest Computer Technology
In the 19th century many scientist discover many computer. That system was very vast and very big in size. They used high electricity and so on. They were used only for calculation like addition (+), division (/), multiplication (*) and subtraction (-) only. They were very slow now a flash drive of our generation is faster than him. Much kind of chips are used in these computers.
Then slowly development was starting to create computer more advanced. Scientist use RAM in the place of transistor. And it is faster than transistor or any other thing. Ram is used to extend the speed of the system.
Latest Computer Technology
In the 20th century people know how to use the computer and how to take work from it. We use it in many fields like office in past people have a person for calculation now in system we can done any work. First computer was created by IBM now many companies create for do many operations. Like Compaq, hp now I series. These are faster than old computers.
A very large and classy computer talented of last hundreds, or flush
Thousands, of users concurrently. In the ladder that starts with a simple
Chip at the bottom and move to supercomputers at the peak, mainframes are just underneath supercomputers. In some ways, mainframes are more commanding than supercomputers because they support more concurrent program.
Thousands, of users concurrently. In the ladder that starts with a simple
Chip at the bottom and move to supercomputers at the peak, mainframes are just underneath supercomputers. In some ways, mainframes are more commanding than supercomputers because they support more concurrent program.
But Supercomputers can perform a single program earlier than a mainframe in very fast speed.
Moveable computer is a personal processor that is intended to be easily overjoyed and
Relocate, but is larger and less convenient to transport than a notebook computer.
Moveable computer is a personal processor that is intended to be easily overjoyed and
Relocate, but is larger and less convenient to transport than a notebook computer.
Earliest PCs intended for easy transport were called portables. As the mass and heaviness of most portables decrease now in this time, they became known as laptop computer and later as notebook computers. A processor is the logic circuitry that responds to and processes the basic instructions that drive a computer. Laptops are also called portable.
We can take it and move from one place to another place very easily. Tab is also a great advent of scientist some people are neglecting the computer because it is much moveable than laptop. We can take it in our pocket.
We can take it and move from one place to another place very easily. Tab is also a great advent of scientist some people are neglecting the computer because it is much moveable than laptop. We can take it in our pocket.
Now computers are doing many kind of work like robot these are used to work like a person but it is not a person. It is use to take weight from one place to another place. Computer plays a very important role in our life. We want to know any information we can use internet. And find any information we want. Now many computers are in market duel core, core to duel and latest I series (I1 I2 I3 I4 I5) are very fast than any other computer.